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All the donations made to Nitya Nevedhyam Parmarthik Trust are exempted from taxes under 80G. Kindly mention your PAN number in the donation form below to avoid any hassels.
Prasadi & Other Donors Statistics
05 Nos.
Prasadi Calendar details about the date wise prasadi donations and amount dedicated to the memory of the person. Click below to know about Prasadi Calendar Prasadi Calendar
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Our Charity Projects
Your donations are the only part that helps these needy people to get comfort in the life.
Feed For Neeedy Nitya Nevedhyam

Free Food

for the Needy
You can contribute to serve the Breakfast, Meals and Dinnerfor needy persons..
Feed For Neeedy Nitya Nevedhyam

Medical Help

for the Patients
You can contribute to serve the Meals, Medicines and Dinner for needy persons.
Feed For Neeedy Nitya Nevedhyam


for Kids
You can contribute by donating old text books, donations, volunteer teaching etc.
Feed For Neeedy Nitya Nevedhyam

Skill Empowerment

for Women
You can contribute by donations, volunteer to fight for cause and educating the skills.
Our Mega Campaign-- Simhstha 2028
With YOUR active involvement as a donor, We can help 100 Million people.
Together We can provide Comfort to 100 Million people.

Simshtha is a religious, social, cultural, gathering in form of GRAND FAIR or Mela (as called in Hindi) or more specifically Kumbh Mela, where people from all the walks of life pay visit and get enriched by the experiences of such event. Basically, it is an event of rejoice and observing the immortality in spiritual terms and dissolving of the sins around the twelve-year cycle. People serve the humanity in these events by offering free food, free shelter, free water and other facilities like medicine and hospitality. Nitya Nevedhyam has taken responsibility of feeding 100 million people during the entire fair schedule and through this they wish to make a small contribution to the humanity. Apart from this Nitya Nevedhyam will be offering other facilities like medical aid, water etc. We all know this is a contributory act, and it cannot be executed alone. We urge YOU to take part in this giant responsibility and make this act of humanity a Grand Success.

Donate for the HUMANITY and Humane Cause and earn Blessings.
Simshtha Image Nitya Nevedhyam
About Us Nitya Nevedhyam
A Meek Initiative with dedicated services, to Comfort the needy people and help humanity.
Well, here are a few glimpses of what we are.

Nitya Nevedhyam started as a very small initiative to feed the needy people in the morning hours who were either travellers from far beyond the city or the people who were not able to procure the food due to lack of money or any other reason. It was a small idea and now has grown up into a pace walking toddler who is still growing to enter into a giant organization to serve the needy on very large scale. We have been working for the marginalized community, people and other deprived section of society from very long duration of time and a few years back we have incorporated into a systematized way to work for these communities through name "NITYA NEVEDHYAM"

   Relief for all ages

We work with people of all ages and all status to ensure their food and proper habitilation to comfort them in respective time of their ages.

  Development & Innovation

We work on innovative techniques and strategies to eliminate the similar problems of social cause in future.

   Efficient Volunteering

Our volunteering services are very efficient and the team members are 3well equipped to work in the tough times of pandemic situations.

  Empathetic Services

Our motto from the beginning was to serve the people by understanding the need and love they require to feel comfortable.
Nitya Nevedhyam Image
Visuals and Subscribe
Find out what we are doing everywhere in still and videos.
More About Us through Blogs, Acheivements etc.
Read our blogs on various acheivements, awards, projects and recognitions
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Donate to Feed the needy....

It was a small idea and now has grown up into a pace walking toddler who is still growing to enter into a giant organization to ....
July, 15th  2022 ,  12:30 PM   by  Admin
Nitya Nevedhyam Blog Image

Donate to Feed the needy....

It was a small idea and now has grown up into a pace walking toddler who is still growing to enter into a giant organization to ....
July, 15th  2022 ,  12:30 PM   by  Admin

Partner With Us

We work on various strategies. Working with partners is one of our readily accepted strategies, which involves working with Nitya Nevedhyam as an Associate Unit, Satellite Unit, Partner, CSR Partners and Institutional Partners.

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Our CSR Partners & Sponsors

CSR partners are our regular sponsors for their own Project deployed through us and other social causes of Nitya Nevedhyam.

Nitya Nevedhyam Partner Nitya Nevedhyam Partner Nitya Nevedhyam Partner Nitya Nevedhyam Partner Nitya Nevedhyam Partner